• Professional websites for professional photographers
  • Online print orders from your own website
  • Make your corporative and functional website
  • Get an excellent website design
  • We are experts in social networks

Record Developments offer to you a website that you can manage yourself

Web development

Web development

Record Dev delivers websites with a content manager and customized for each client. This is achieved through a SQL Server database and creating tables for each use, such as users, contacts, registrations, reservations, orders, etc., developing the forms of data entry in both the public and the intranet or CMS (Content Management System)
Web design

Web design

In Record Developments we are basic graphic designers. We get modern designs that adapt to any format and screen size, whether desktop, tablet or smartphone and following the latest trends in graphic design for the web. A good graphic design for a web is important to give prestige and personality when they choose us to contract our services and products.
Positioning in Google

Positioning in Google

We have the know-how to make Google index your website in the top positions of the results according to the words that identify you. Google constantly reviews its algorithms rewarding and penalizing websites that use abusive techniques and we carry out a campaign for Google to position your website in an organic way, this is without ads or adwords.

Functional website for lawyers

Functional website for lawyers

We will give your web a private zone or extranet where your clients will be able to connect to consult documents and files of their interest. It is a much more practical application than the traditional system of file sharing via email, when accessing through the own Web site, the client has the possibility to explore the rest of the services provided by the firm.
Request a functional website

Request a functional website

Now you can request your corporate and functional website and have it working in a few days. Follow the 8 steps that we indicated to give us all the information we need.The price of the realization of a corporate and functional website consists of an initial payment for the start-up of all systems with discounts of up to 80.

Record Developments


Balmes, 237 Entlo. 2ª
08006 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 124 09 04
M. +34 626 756 759

UK office:
Marshams - England 
Tel. +44 (0)1323 509799
M. +44 (0)7855 452741

COPYRIGHT © 2025 - Record Balance, S.L.