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SEO Optimization, Google Positioning

Evolución de la visibilidad en Google de www.digiprintcenter.es

We have the know-how to make Google index your website in the top positions of the results according to the words that identify you.
Google constantly reviews its algorithms by rewarding and penalizing websites that use abusive techniques such as the use of repeated words, uninteresting and repetitive content, and so on. We take into account all the details and we make a campaign for Google to position your website in an organic way, this is without ads or adwords.

We have several success stories such as Etiquelandia and Digiprint Center.
The first case is a commercial that sells rolls of standard labels for gifts and stores. We have placed Labeling in the top of Google results with the words "etiquetas felicidades" or "etiquetas regalos".
In the second case we have managed to place in the top 10 of Google results (first page) to this barcelona printing company with the words "barcelona print" or "HD printing" and other words that identify it.

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